Proof of Heaven

  • E. Alexander provides ample evidence that he thought like a scientist, bought into all of the philosophical positions of a scientist, and lived daily the life of a neurosurgeon. He was a good example of a representative of the scientifically rigorous secular. Yet his book is about his experience of the supernatural world when he was in a coma for a long period and returned to life. This is his testament to the reality of what the secular would consider the unreality or at least unproved reality of the supernatural. So the theme is, if a committed secularist can be convinced of the sacred, anyone can and should. [76F/W’13]
  • We should mention that some scientists do not think medical doctors qualify as scientists. The application of science, whether in medicine or engineering, is quite different than the practice of the scientific method. To complicate matters, other scientists recognize that some of the best scientific methodology (double blind experiments; very large populations tested; metanalysis ever more frequently utilized; cell and molecular level explanations; gold standard of whether or not a treatment actually results in few deaths, not just marginal improvement) is present in medical science and their large controlled studies. The professional society for neurobiology has over 40,000 members and they are good mixture of academic scientists and medical practitioners, even some who do both clinical and benchwork. Draw your own conclusions on who can claim to be a scientist. [77F/W’13]

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